Friday, September 19, 2008

149. Yeyyadi

On the Airport road leading from Karnataka Polytechnic to Bondel in Mangalore you find this place known as Yeyyadi.

Yeyyadi appears to be the corrupt form of the earlier name Yedyadi. We have discussed about the tribes Ideyar ('Iddya') who were also known subsequently as 'Yedea' ('Yedapadavu',Yadthadi,Yadamavina hole,Edavolal etc).The existence of 'Edavolal' town during the Kadamba dynasty (4 to 6 th Century CE) helps us to place the timing of the tribal indicator word 'Eda' or 'Yeda'.


  1. A place called eDmeru is there near Udupi

  2. Yes. Also Yadyadi-Mathyadi near Kundapur.

  3. yeda is a word which is used to describe a fool in marathi.but the orginal and old word for it is Murkh as in Hindi..maybe Yeda is a recently added one...
