Monday, January 19, 2009

168. Baindur, Bayandar

Baindur is a coastal town located to the north of Kundapur. The 'Bainda' is an old Kannada variant of the word 'Baidya'. The Baidya were the native doctors or shamans among the ancient Bhil or Billava tribes. The famous Tulu heroes Koti and Chennaya were from the Baidya subcommunity of Billavas. Thus the Baind+oor refers to the village of Baidya or Baidyas.
Bayandar is an equivalent place name in Maharastra. The word 'Bayanda' is an alternate form of Bainda or Baidya. Thus Bayanda+ar refers to the ar (place) of Bainda or Baidya.
ShamBa Joshi has written about the presence of Kannada language and culture in Maharstra region in the historical past. Thus the place name Bayandar is another evidence in favour of the presence of analogous words in Kannada and Maharastra regions.

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