Thursday, June 4, 2009

189. Kuduma

The original name of the famous pilgrimage centre Dharmasthala was 'Kuduma'( pron: kuDuma). There are other places having the similar name.

It is possible that the word Kuduma was equivalent or variant of the other ethnonym Kodama (pron: koDama)as discussed in an earlier post (No.188). There were also tribes known as ‘KuDubi’ or ‘KuDumbi’. There is a ‘Kudumbi-bittil’ (bittil= an enclosure containing greenary and dwelling houses) in the heart of Mangalore city near Falnir.

For example KodmāNu has also a analogous prefix of Kuduma:
KuDuma+anu=KuDmanu >KoDamānu >KoDmannu.

Kudu ,Kuda or Koda are also the early Tulu/Dravida words connected with agriculture, agricultural /farming produces('kuDu') and implements.We can see how the variants of these words have been employed by early farming societies to designate basic themes pertinent to that evolutionary period.
It has been reviewed in the earlier post (No 188) that the ‘Nāga’ (=the Serpents), one of the earliest divine manifestations visualized by the early farming civilizations was possibly designated as ‘ Kudu(pa)’ or ‘Koda(pa)’.’Kudupa’ also became a popular personal male proper name .The act of stinging was described as ‘Kodapu(ni)’.The verb ‘KuDupuni’(or ‘kuDth barpini’) referred to shivering associated with presumed physical manifestation of Spirit forces.
KuDāri is the axe, one of the earliest implements invented and employed by early men to cut down trees and make farming lands. Kudari or ‘kuTari’ became ‘KoDali ‘(Kannada) or ‘Kuthara’(Sanskrit) in other langaugesof the region.The verb ‘koDapuni’was also attributed to the act of cutting trees using an axe.
Another basic equipment designed for collecting water was also designated ‘KoDa’(pron: koDa) or ‘koDapāna’.

-Ravi & Viswanath

1 comment:

  1. The Kudumbi's were the warriers that came with the Marathas and have their nme derived form the word KUNABI which has nothing to do with Kuduma
